Related Crime Prevention Initiatives

National Crime Prevention Centre

The National Crime Prevention Centre's (NCPC) work provides national leadership on effective and cost-effective ways to prevent and reduce crime by intervening on the risk factors before crime happens.

National Crime Prevention Strategy
The National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) is an integral part of the Government of Canada's action plan to tackle crime in order to build stronger, healthier communities.

Funding Programs
Public Safety Canada's National Crime Prevention Centre (NCPC) provides funding to strategically selected projects that contribute to preventing and reducing crime in Canada and to increasing knowledge about what works in crime prevention.

For more information on the National Crime Prevention Centre, its strategy, and funding programs, please visit:

Nova Scotia Department of Community Services

Weaving the Threads: A Lasting Social Fabric, Our Framework for Social Prosperity
This framework demonstrates how social prosperity, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability are linked and depend on each other. The framework sets a vision for 2020, where “every Nova Scotian has the opportunity to live well and contribute in a meaningful way within a province that is caring, safe, and creative - now and into the future.”

Child and Youth Strategy
The Strategy is an initiative to improve services to children, youth, and families through greater collaboration between five key Government departments: Health, Education, Community Services, Justice, and, Health Promotion and Protection.

For more information on Weaving the Threads, the Child and Youth Strategy, or the Nova Scotia Department of Community Services please visit:

Atlantic Coordinating Community on Crime Prevention and Community Safety (ACC)

For over twenty years the ACC has organized an annual crime prevention conference, worked collaboratively to influence policy development and promoted the development and dissemination of better practices in community safety. The ACC is a non-profit organization with no permanent staff. Their work is done through volunteer commitment, in-kind support and project funding. For more information on crime prevention resources and the annual crime prevention conference please visit:

Institute for the Prevention of Crime (IPC)

The IPC offers knowledge about the nature of criminal victimization as well as evidence on what works to reduce crime. The information on the IPC website uses and provides access to authoritative sources and data. It is designed for policy makers, the public and others who want to see crime reduced.

For more information on the Institute for the Prevention of Crime please visit:

Crime Prevention Society of Nova Scotia (CPSNS)

The Crime Prevention Society of Nova Scotia speaks as a provincial voice for crime prevention and community safety in Nova Scotia. They promote the development of partnerships between government departments, police agencies, community groups, and individuals active in crime prevention and community safety issues throughout Nova Scotia. CPSNS provides networking opportunities to facilitate cooperation and assistance between local crime prevention and community safety groups.

For more information on the Crime Prevention Society of Nova Scotia please visit: